The following texts were written between 1973 and the present. Some of them, beginning in the late 1980s, were published in US journals such as Against the Current, New Politics, Critique, Collective Action Notes and Race Traitor; some have appeared translations. Others are appearing in the Marx / Third Millennium series of Queequeg Publications.
The majority, however, were consigned by circumstance to what Marx called "the gnawing critique of the mice." As such, they circulated only in xerox format to very limited circles of readers. I am posting them today, not because they necessarily possess any overarching coherence or because the evolution of one individual is of any particular importance. Rather, since different readers over the years have found different texts to be useful, I am using the new possibilities opened by the web to make them more generally available than they have been in my file cabinets.
Despite all the elements of “uneven”, parochial or simply reactionary consciousness it may have contained, one has to characterize Seattle as a breakthrough.