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Ferguson and After: Where Is This Movement Going?

Ferguson and After: Where Is This Movement Going? (This article was the editorial of Insurgent Notes No. 11, January 2015.) The movement that has erupted after non-indictments of the cop killers of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and of Eric Garner in New York City, one further fed by relentless continued police killings of black […]

Race et Lumières (2): Des Lumières anglo-françaises et au-delà

(Cet article est paru dans la revue Race Traitor n° 10, en 1998.) «L’animal s’identifie directement avec son activité vitale. Il ne se distingue pas d’elle. Il est cette activité. L’homme fait de son activité vitale elle-même l’objet de sa volonté et de sa conscience. Il a une activité vitale consciente. Ce n’est pas une […]

Race and the Enlightenment, Pt. II: The Anglo-French Enlightenment and Beyond

The Western invention of the idea of race in the 17th century, at the beginning of the Enlightenment, was not merely a degradation of the peoples of color to whom it was applied. Such a degradation had to be preceded, and accompanied, by a comparable degradation of the view of man within Western culture itself.

Le concept de race et le siècle des Lumières. De l’antisémitisme à la suprématie des Blancs 1492-1676

Première partie: Avant les Lumières: l’Espagne, les Juifs et les Indiens[1]   On ne reconnaît pas souvent que le concept de race était inexistant avant les XVIlème et XVIllème siècles, période connue dans l’histoire occidentale sous le nom de siècle des Lumières.   On admet encore moins souvent que ce concept de race, apparu durant […]

Race and the Enlightenment Part I: From Anti-Semitism to White Supremacy, 1492-1676

It is not often recognized that, prior to the 17th and 18th centuries, the period which Western history calls the Enlightenment, the concept of race did not exist.

American Primitive in Red, Black and White: Race and Class in the U.S.

In 1848 and 1968, when working- class upsurges exploded in Europe under the slogans of “socialism” and “communism”, American working-class containment in the Democratic Party was exploded by the race question. This is the key to the Americanization of Marxism.

The Fusion of Anabaptist, Indian and African as the American Radical Tradition

The agrarian question is the key to the understanding of the rise and fall of the continental European socialist tradition, and that the failure of that tradition to make a serious impact in America is a reflection of the fact that American agriculture–with the important exception of the South prior to 1865–was always capitalist.

On the Non-Formation of a Working-Class Political Party in the United States, 1900-1945

In the U.S., in contrast to all other major capitalist countries, capitalism made the transition to the intensive phase of accumulation without requiring the participation of a working-class political party in the state.